Monday, March 30, 2009

Library meeting

Yesterday, Jon and I attended a meeting of the Power Up America group which is part of We learned a bit about green energy but most importantly met others who have the same concerns and desires as we do. I think that Jon enjoyed the experience as this is his issue in a big way. Now to convince our Representatives in Washington DC that we need green solutions to this economic crisis.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Here we are at our favorite spot at the Barnes and Noble store. Jon was reading about going "Green" and I had more than one of my favorite magazines out to read. This was the one with an article on blogging. I have been buying these since the very first issue and have decided that now I must get this latest issue.

Starting to Blog

I was at our local Barnes and Noble yesterday and picked up the latest issue of Somerset Studio, Blogger. In it was a review of blogspot. They said it was great for beginners and I thought it might suite my needs. I am trying the whole blog idea. I would like a place to post the occasional photo along with my words and perhaps be able to copy and paste them elsewhere like on a scrapbook page.